Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Be faithful in small things

Jane is an admirer of Mother Teresa. Here's something the good lady said that rings true for Jane and might for you, too.

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.

Sometimes the big things go plop. When that happens, Jane has noticed, it's all too easy to think that everything else has gone plop as well. It might feel that way. It might feel like nothing will be the same again...and maybe it won't. It might feel like you have been knocked right down and are struggling to get up...and maybe you have been. It might feel like the clouds are permanent and the sun has gone away...which of course can't be the case, but still. It feels that way.

So, okay. The big things happened and you are feeling lost. Jane knows about this feeling. Believe me, Jane knows. She suspects Mother Teresa knew the feeling as well, at some point in her life. She also suspects that Mother Teresa knew about big things and little things and their importance in life from personal experience.

The big things seem more important, certainly. But you know what? The big things are all supported by the little things. Your strength does indeed lie there. When you have been completely deflated by whatever has happened, take as deep a breath as you can and look around. Look for the little things that bring you grace. Write them down, if you want. Hold them close in your heart. Small things can make a large impact.

From Jane's list of little things...
--huge snowflakes slowly drifting from the sky and landing on her dog's head
--a mother deer and her yearling sleeping in a sheltered back yard
--the first cup of coffee in the morning and the first sip of that first cup
--the peace and power in exchanging smiles
--a simple meal shared with a good friend

The list goes on and as it grows, so does Jane's strength. And that's a very big thing.

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