Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Jane the Alchemist

Sometimes change is forced upon us. That doesn't mean we can't then take the reins of change and create what we want, what we envision, what we dream. Isn't that far more appealing than the unexpected whomp to the emotional balance of our lives when we feel powerless in the face of someone else's choices? Takes a bit to realize this and a bit more to actually embrace the notion. But when that happens? Jane the One Who Got No Vote becomes someone else entirely. Meet Jane the Alchemist.

Right. But what's this alchemy stuff? Sounds like Harry Potter has turned to mainstream midlife America and is doling out wands to all. What's alchemy got to do with anything?

Definition, first, Then philosophy. Alchemy is a medieval chemical science and philosophy aiming to change metal into gold. Jane's scratching her head. You, too? Nod, smile and let's move on. Alchemy is also the power to transform something common into something special. There you have it. Transformation, beautiful and mysterious and thrilling. And, it should be noted, powerful. The lack of power that had Jane's shoulders drooping and her mood less than sunny is now transformed (oooh, there it is again!) into options and choices and dreams. Good stuff? You bet it is.

Big loss, overwhelming challenges, unexpected rejection and any number of other difficulties can leave us feeling figuratively...and sometimes literally...face down in the garden mud. But there comes a point when the wallowing needs to stop. Why bother? Because you are worth it. Maybe your boss doesn't think so or life doesn't seem to think so or your spouse obviously doesn't think so but you not only think so, you know so. Yes, you do. Jane went through her moments of grief stricken wallowing when she felt that truly all had ended. She let herself think it, dwell on it and sob about it until she realized that it was time to do something other than thinking, dwelling and sobbing about one person's choice. Dick made his choice, Jane reminded herself, and it was his right to do so. But should that choice result in increased profits for the Kleenex Corporation forever more?

No. Jane realized that she now needed to take action for herself. She didn't look in the mirror and see an alchemist, not right away. At first she saw a sad woman whose plans and dreams and hopes had been pulled from her and ground to a discarded dust beneath the feet of the man she had loved. Wow, she thought. Sucks to be me. Then she practiced pulling her shoulders back and looking at herself with a nod (which wasn't very convincing at first) and reminding herself that she was good and wonderful and powerful. She didn't necessarily believe it but she kept saying it. And once that sunk in a little bit Jane was able to find a few other things that helped. Things like affirmations and journaling and yoga and Zumba and a bit of this and a bit of that, all of which will be discussed later on. The point is, Jane took charge. From the moment she looked in the mirror and told herself a truth that she eventually believed, she took charge and she stopped being powerless. She began the process of transforming. She became an alchemist.

No magic robes, no magician wands are required. We are all, Jane thinks, something special. We simply have to reach for that and nurture it and applaud it...and ourselves. We are, all of us, alchemists with the power and the potential to create a world for ourselves of wonder and beauty and dreams.

Jane intends to do exactly that.

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